Cosmic Craft Astrology

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Harnessing Your Power: Understanding the Sun in Astrology

In Astrology, the Sun holds a deep significance. It has been revered and worshiped as a deity for thousands of years as the giver of life and the center of our spiritual universe. Even before we understood that the Earth revolves around the Sun, we recognized its vital role in our existence. From farming practices to religious rituals, the Sun has remained one of the most important factors shaping our lives. But what does the Sun mean in astrology?

In this blog, we’ll get to know the general meaning of the Sun. I’ll discuss the Sun in each Sign, House, and how you can work with it in magical practices in future blogs.

The Sun in Astrology

The Sun is considered one of the "big three," along with the Moon and rising sign. You'll hear it referred to as a planet, though we know that it's actually a Star. Another way to reference the Sun is to call it a "luminary." The Sun spends approximately one month in each astrological sign, aligning with the 12-month year. When your birthday comes around, the Sun "returns" to the sign it occupied at birth, known as a Solar return. Each planet has its own "return" period.

In your chart, the Sun represents your father or a more masculine parental figure and your relationship to authority. Locate the House where the Sun is in your birth chart, as those topics usually become a key focal point of your life. In future blogs, we will explore the Sun's placement in each House in more detail.

Understanding Sect

Now, let's talk about a concept called "sect." Sect describes two categories: Diurnal (day) and Nocturnal (night), representing masculine and feminine energies. However, it's important to understand that these terms are not gender-specific. Nocturnal/Feminine energy is receptive and inward, while Diurnal/Masculine energy is more outward-focused. Each planet falls into one of these two categories. The Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn are Diurnal. The Moon, Venus, and Mars are Nocturnal. Depending on the time of your birth, different planets are strengthened or weakened in expressing their influences.

As the Sun is a Diurnal planet, if you were born during the day, it occupies a position in the top half of your chart, making it stronger. However, if you were born at night, the Sun falls in the bottom half, becoming less visible and less influential. This might be one reason some people resonate more with their Moon sign than their Sun sign.

Other Factors

It's crucial to examine the condition of the Sun in your chart to understand how it manifests. For example, if your Sun is located in the 12th House, like mine, it may not be apparent to others. The 12th House tends to hide things, so even though you strongly identify with your Sun sign, its influence might not be immediately noticeable.

There are a few additional factors to consider when analyzing the Sun in astrology. A planet within 17 degrees of the Sun is said to be "Under the Beams." In this state, the planet's power weakens. "Combust" occurs when a planet is within approximately 8 degrees of the Sun. This phenomenon can significantly diminish the planet's power, although the extent varies depending on the planet involved. 

If Jupiter or Venus is combust, they lose significant power, while Mars and Saturn experience a moderate reduction. Interestingly, Mars can even become more intense in this situation, while Mercury tends to take on retrograde-like qualities but remains relatively neutral.

If you have a planet in your chart that is "Under the Beams" or "Combust" the Sun, it may indicate that the planet's influence is weaker, more challenging to access, or harder to feel in your life. However, there is a concept called "Chariot," where a planet in the sign it rules is less affected by being under the beams or combust. For instance, if both Jupiter and the Sun are in Sagittarius, a sign ruled by Jupiter, the effects will be far less dramatic.

Furthermore, when a planet is exactly conjunct the Sun, it is said to be "Cazimi." This alignment enhances the planet's power, allowing it to regain its full strength and even receive an additional boost. When analyzing your chart, keep these factors in mind, as they can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of the planets in your life.

In astrology, the Sun is one of the first celestial bodies we familiarize ourselves with. It holds immense significance, even if you don't fully resonate with your Sun sign. Exploring and understanding the Sun's placement and condition in your birth chart can provide valuable knowledge about your core identity and essential traits.

And that's about it for our exploration of the Sun in astrology! Check out the podcast if you'd like to delve deeper into this topic! Additionally, I'd love to see you on social media! While I'm a bit quiet there, your support and new followers might inspire me to post more frequently. Find us on Instagram @cosmiccraft.astro and on Twitter @theCosmicCraft.
